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Multi-Million-Dollar Marketing Chief EXPOSES:
Donald Trump’s Secret Persuasion Codebook
9 sneaky mind-control techniques decoded directly from the most (in)famous Twitter account in history
PLUS: How marketers are now using these same tactics 
to bring-in new customer sales like nothing you’ve ever seen!
Dear Fellow Marketer,

Love him or hate him… 

There’s something you need to know about Donald Trump.
A dirty little secret that can bring you more new buyers than possibly anything you’ve ever experienced. 

I’m talking about the contents inside Trump’s Secret Persuasion Codebook:

Weird "influence methods" that turn skeptics into believers... procrastinators into action-takers... and “undecideds” into raving fans.

Techniques discovered during months analyzing his now-infamous Twitter account. 

And within just minutes of possessing these secrets, you can start enjoying more new buyers coming into your business.
"Possibly the most advanced consumer influence tactics ever to make their way into the hands of advertisers and marketers."
  • Command your prospect’s attention even in the most competitive markets. 
  • Attract more eyeballs on your marketing and generate more buzz in your niche. 
  • ​Convert more browsers into buyers. And more buyers into raving fans! (Results that could multiply your sales by double or more.)
All with less time and less effort.

Fact is: Donald Trump’s political victory was no fluke.

After the election, “talking heads” spent months trying to figure out how he did it. They blamed Russia, Wikileaks, Jim Comey… you name it. 

But, there was only one real reason that, even as a political rookie, Trump pulled off a victory nobody thought he could.

A reason that, to this day, most will deny exists…

Trump’s Secret Persuasion Codebook
Hi, my name is Todd Brown, CEO of Marketing Funnel Automation.

Even if you can’t stand him, you already know… Donald Trump gets attention. 

And not just because he’s the President. 

What most people don’t realize, is that buried deep within all his speeches, interviews, and even tweets, are hidden persuasion triggers. Subtle yet powerful prompts designed to fire up emotions, influence opinions and provoke instant responses. 

My friend, Joe Schriefer, the head marketing honcho of a 9-figure publishing giant, decoded these triggers into what’s now called Donald Trump’s Secret Persuasion Codebook.

Techniques that let him deflect criticism, dismiss opponents’ objections, engage his supporters and rally them behind his messages—day after day.

And if you understand them, you can use this same codebook in your marketing as well.

You can use it to cut through the noise in any market. And grab and hold your prospect’s undivided attention. 

You’ll eliminate all buying objections and get your readers to understand the real value of whatever product or service you offer.

You’ll be able to influence your prospect’s behavior to drive more clicks, more opt-ins and more purchases. To double or even triple your sales.  

All while making your competition irrelevant. 

The secrets you’ll find in this codebook will instantly take any underperforming marketing message you have and transform it into a powerfully crafted message that converts like wildfire. 

They’ll plug the revenue-leaking holes in all your marketing campaigns. And let you crank out more airtight, objection-proof promotions that are greased slides to the buy button. 

All without burying yourself in days or weeks of writing.

These persuasion techniques will power up your landing pages, email series, subject lines, paid media… even your tweets! 

They’ll have prospects eating out of your hand...

With a fraction of the effort and a minimum of time.

There’s no doubt in my mind the secrets in Donald Trump’s Persuasion Codebook can give your marketing more immediate, more positive results than anything else.

Politics Aside—You Need to Read This
No matter which side of the Trump camp you fall on, I’d urge you to put aside your personal feelings and pay attention. 
Because this is not about Donald Trump the man. 

It’s about the techniques he used to achieve something nearly everyone thought was impossible. His tweets didn’t simply stir up controversy. Or bash the people he doesn’t like. They did much more!

I want to show you the actual persuasion codes he used to overcome enormous odds on his campaign to the White House... 

The secrets he still uses today to grab attention and subtly, subconsciously influence the public conversation.
How are marketers now using Trump's 10 go-to persuasion codes to spike sales? Read on to find out...
Persuasion tactics you can put to work in your marketing. So you can start commanding your market’s attention. And converting more leads and more buyers. 

This secret codebook will put an instant persuasive punch in all your copy. Whether you’re an ace copywriter or have never written a line of copy in your life. 

It’ll get more emails opened and more links clicked. It’ll spark more engagement on your landing pages. And get your whole market talking about you and you alone. 

It’ll let you engage more prospects in the conversation you want to have with them. 

And get them all buying more from you.

No One Can Persuade Everybody…” 
Listen, I understand if all this sounds a little unbelievable. And I’ll be the first to admit, no one can persuade everybody.

Rosie O’Donnell and Robert DeNiro will never be Donald Trump fans. That’s a fact of life. 

And just like them, there are people in your market who would never buy anything from you. Even if you were selling $50 dollar bills for $5 bucks each. 

Nothing - and I mean - nothing will persuade them.

But that’s not who we’re talking about here.

I’m talking about motivating the “undecideds” in your market. The “too busy to listen right nows.” The “yeah but…” excuse making crowd. 

How many of them are slipping through the cracks in your current marketing campaigns?

How many fence-sitters do you have living in your list, just waiting for the right message to flip their buying switch? 

What would happen to your revenue if you could get all, or even a fraction of them, nodding in agreement with what you’re offering?

What would happen to your bottom line if you could increase conversions from that segment by a tiny ten or even five percent?

That’s what the secrets in this persuasion codebook will do for you.

They’ll slash through the noise and grab those prospect’s by the eyeballs. They’ll shatter their objections like a wrecking ball on a tree house. And ignite a buying desire so intense, that not buying from you will feel like driving off a cliff.

Believe me when I tell you, these persuasion secrets are real, effective and powerful. They’ll make a huge impact in your business. And I want to show you how you can start using them right now.

They're all...

Inside Donald Trump’s 
Persuasion Codebook
Joe, along with “Mr. President” himself, laid out ten of Trump’s most powerful persuasion triggers in a presentation at my last MFA Live conference. (One of the most entertaining and information-packed presentations I’ve ever seen.)
Marketers paid up to $697 to be in the room to get these 10 persuasion codes... and they LOVED IT!
They walked the crowd through a selection of Donald Trump’s actual tweets. 

And revealed the persuasion secrets buried deep in each of them. 

They exposed a persuasion codebook you can start using right away... 

To target your market’s hottest hot buttons. And unleash their most intense buying desires.
Simple but powerful techniques that will start generating more buyers and more repeat buyers for you than anything you’ve tried in the past.

It’ll change how your prospects look at every aspect of your marketing.

For example, want the fastest, easiest way to boost your status and credibility in your market? Then you’ll need to understand…
Persuasion Codebook Secret #4: 
The “King of Debt” Tweet
This persuasion code can elevate the credibility of everything you say. Every promise you make. Every claim you assert. 

Yet 9 times out of 10 marketers willingly ignore it. (Check your own copy – I’ll bet you’ve done it yourself dozens of times yourself.)

It’ll deflect prospects’ objections like teflon and eliminate any doubt from their minds. 

They’ll listen to your messages with the same confidence as they listen to their family doctor.

During the campaign, Trump proudly tweeted he was the “king of debt.” An admission that would have been political suicide for anyone else.

But because of the subtle, but radically powerful persuasion code embedded in it, Trump’s tweet did the exact opposite.

Instead of driving potential voters away, it actually boosted his credibility. And drew more supporters to his side.

Done right, it’ll do the same for you. 

It’ll get more buy-in from the doubters in your market. It’ll have the disbelievers nodding in agreement with everything you say. It’ll have detractors jumping to join your team. 

And make them all evangelists of the highest order.

The secrets in this persuasion codebook will boost the credibility of all your copy. And they’re simple to use.

Be More Persuasive in Minutes
The best part is you don’t need to become an expert in the human psyche to make these persuasion codes work for you. 

The secrets in this codebook form a simple “plug and play” checklist you can follow anytime you create a marketing message.

And it’s just as simple to use them to power-up all your current marketing. For example…

You can inject the credibility-boosting power of persuasion code #4 into any current campaign in a matter of minutes. Simply by using the “search and replace” technique Joe explained in his presentation.

You can start adding all the secrets in this persuasion codebook to all your copy right away. And start generating more likes, more clicks, more opt ins and more sales almost immediately. 

So what else can the secrets of Donald Trump’s Persuasion Codebook do for you? 

How about eliminate doubt and confusion from your prospect’s mind? And make all your marketing stand out above the competition?

Persuasion Codebook Secret #7: 
The “Repeal and Replace” Tweet
Want to give your marketing a whole new level of persuasive clarity? One that eliminates any doubt and confusion in your prospects’ minds. And makes them sit up and take notice of your message? 

Then pay attention to this.

Because it’s the persuasion code Trump used to make all his campaign promises stand out above everything the competition was saying. 

Charging into the home stretch of the election, Trump tweeted one of his old standbys. That he’d repeal Obamacare and replace it with a better system that would cost less.

To most it sounded like an empty sound bite. One he kept hammering over and over. 

But the persuasion secret coded into this tweet is one that can instantly change the way your prospects view all your messaging. It can literally transform a boring offer into a must-have solution your prospects will be dying to get their hands on.

It’ll eliminate any confusion in your their mind. And give them a clear and undeniable reason why they should be listening to (and buying from) you.

Believe me when I tell you, these are proven techniques that will absolutely transform the way your market sees your messages. 

Persuasion Techniques Used By 
The Best Marketers in the World
How can I be so sure the secrets in the persuasion codebook Joe revealed will give you those kinds of results?

Because these persuasion secrets aren’t simply gimmicks or marketing hacks.

Buried deep within these codes are some of the same elements used by the savviest, most successful direct response marketers in the world. 

Master persuaders who tap into their prospects’ deepest emotional hot buttons at will. And literally compel action that generates more traffic, more leads and more sales.

These are proven, powerful techniques to break down objections and influence your market. 

* They’ll flood your funnels and landing pages with more traffic

* Pack your email list with more qualified leads… 

* Convert more “tire-kickers” into buyers and… 

* Transform those buyers into raving fans. (Who’ll happily tell their friends about you.)

It’s not voodoo mind control. But it might seem like it once you start seeing the results they produce. 

Like finally getting your prospect to take the action you want… 

Persuasion Codebook Secret #9: 
The “NFL” Tweet
Want to drive your prospects to buy today... now

Then this codebook secret will be your most important takeaway.

Applying the secret NFL code will get your prospect in such deep agreement with you, they’ll do practically anything you ask. 

Whether it’s joining your list for a free download. Shelling out a couple bucks for an entry level purchase. Or going all in for your full consulting package.

It’ll “throw down” at your prospect and compel them to take action.

It’s bold. It’s audacious. And best of all… it WORKS!

What is it?

Late in 2017 the President railed against NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem. He demanded respect for “our Flag and our Country.” 

But, as usual, he wasn’t just stirring up controversy, complaining about professional athletes he viewed as disrespectful. 

He was using a specific persuasion code to target an emotional, action-driving hot button. One buried deep down in all of us. 

And when you use it, you’ll target the same hot button in your prospects. 

It’ll trigger a buying emotion so deep inside your prospect, it’ll make saying “yes” to your offer a no brainer. (In fact, they’ll be embarrassed not to.) 

It’ll create a buying decision in their minds so one-sided, they’ll either take action or slink away in shame. 

And yet this persuasion code is so subtle, your prospects will come to this conclusion on their own. They’ll make a clear decisive choice in their own mind that what you have is absolutely right for them. 

Used in the right spot, this “sneaky” powerful technique will make it all but impossible to resist your offer. 

Whether you’re after more clicks, more sign ups, more downloads or more sales, this persuasion code will get them. 

You’ll grow your list, make more revenue and create more die hard fans. 

And best of all…
You Can Use These Persuasion Codes
Regardless of Your Skill Level 
It doesn’t matter how much copywriting experience you have. Whether you’re an ace or a raw newbie. Whether you’ve written successful campaigns. Or you’ve tried and come up short.

These codes will crank up the persuasive power of any marketing by magnitudes. Simply by making sure they’re in your copy.

They’ll make your message slip past your prospect’s defenses. And subtly trigger their most emotional hot buttons

They’ll make them willingly give up their objections. So they hungrily devour your entire marketing message. And jump at the chance to whip out their credit cards and buy whatever you’re selling.

These persuasion codes are the key.

If you can string a sentence together, they’ll instantly transform the magnetic power of anything you write. 

Oh… and if you do have some copy chops, they’ll absolutely put your marketing on steroids.

This persuasion codebook will show you exactly what you should be saying. And how you should be saying it.

And when you say it right, you can make every marketing campaign a home run!

(I saved the best for last…)
Persuasion Codebook Secret #10
The “Morning Joe and Mika” Tweet
This is the biggie. The “nuclear” persuasion code. The mother of all copy secrets.

Get this right and you’ll erase the competition from your prospect’s mind, forever

Every piece of copy you write, every campaign you create, every funnel you build will be like a black hole sucking your prospects in – primed for whatever you have to offer.

This persuasion code is so important that even Joe confessed on stage: “…if copy does not work for us, it's not that the product sucks or that offer might suck. It's normally that [we didn’t get this right]…”  

In June 2017 Trump tweeted about “Morning Joe” Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski. It was blistering! Shocking! There was nothing pretty about it.

Naturally it sparked the usual backlash from the left. But those on the right were buzzing about it just as much. 

Because it contained the persuasion secret that all your copy must have.

It’s not about being insulting or rude. It’s not about calling out big names to attract attention. 

What it is, is the most powerful persuasion code of them all. (So powerful most marketers actually afraid to use it.)

And another word of warning: it’s not the easiest code to deploy in your marketing. 

BUT… get it right and your prospects will be powerless to ignore your message.

It’ll slam the brakes on skimmers and suck them into your copy. It’ll blot out any distractions and hold their attention like a vise. It’ll turn “maybes” into “heck yeahs!” And let you build an army of die hard customers. 

THAT’S how powerful it is.

Arm yourself with the Morning Joe and Mika persuasion code, and every campaign will be a winner. 
The Fast, Easy Way 
to Create Irresistible Copy?
This persuasion codebook is the fastest way to inject your marketing with some of the most powerful persuasion secrets you’ll find anywhere.

Persuasion secrets that’ll grab and hold your prospect’s attention. That’ll have them eating up whatever message you want to share. And when the time comes them to act, they’ll do it without thinking twice.

Now you could certainly do this kind of research on your own. 

You could dedicate yourself to studying direct response and persuasion techniques. You could read book after book taking pages of notes, figuring out what’s important and what’s not. Spend time testing what works and what doesn’t. 

And you’d eventually uncover a few of the secrets hidden in Trump’s persuasion codebook. 

But all that would take you months or – more likely – years. 

Instead, I want to show you how you can get them all in less than an hour by unlocking Donald Trump’s Persuasion Codebook. 

A value-packed presentation that’ll hand you an arsenal of the most powerful and proven persuasion techniques on a silver platter. Uncovered by a master marketer with well over a decade of experience in the direct response business. 

Techniques that will power up every element of your marketing. From paid media to emails to sales pages. Even your tweets.

So how do you skip the struggle, save time and money and start boosting your copy right now?
Unlock Your Access To 
Donald Trump’s Persuasion Codebook
It’s all in this brand new presentation, seen only by the attendees at my most recent MFA Live event. And it reveals some of the most effective, sales-driving persuasion secrets used by some of the most successful marketers in the world.

Here’s what you’ll get when you unlock your access…
  • You’ll get the full, unedited presentation by Joe, his team and of course, “Mr. President.” In just under an hour, Joe will reveal the exact persuasion tactics the president used in his campaign to the White House. 
  • ​And then he’ll show you how you can leverage the same techniques in your marketing with examples from Agora’s own multi-million dollar campaigns. (And of course this presentation contains the complete post-Q&A session.)
  • ​You’ll also get a complete "undoctored" transcript of the presentation so you can follow along if you want. Or you can download it and highlight the different persuasion codes to use as checklist. 
  • ​So you can make sure all your copy has the exact persuasion elements it needs. Triggers that will let you command more attention from your market, eliminate doubt, drive more action and make more sales.
  • ​Plus, you’ll get the full slide deck from Joe’s presentation including all the president’s tweets and Agora’s copy examples. Examples that show you how to use these codes to get the same massive results in your own marketing.
This is a persuasion master-class crammed into one of the most entertaining hours you’ll ever enjoy. I guarantee it’s a presentation you’ll want to watch over and over.

And by the end, you’ll be armed with some of the most sales-boosting persuasion techniques anywhere. Ready for you to plug right in to your emails, landing pages, sales pages, social ads and even your own tweets!

So you can start seeing more sales from every piece of marketing you publish.

And right now you can access it all for a ridiculously affordable investment.

So What’s It Cost?
Let me ask you… what’s something like this worth?

What would it be worth to sit in and watch a master copywriter—one who creates campaigns for a $200 million dollar a year success machine—decode and explain some of the most powerful persuasion secrets ever revealed?

Secrets that will make your marketing more attention grabbing and more memorable.

Secrets that will impact every area of your marketing. From getting more excited, qualified leads to converting more delighted customers.   

Secrets that not only let you close sales faster and more easily. But that will also let you grow your customer relationships, so you increase the lifetime value of every buyer you have?

What would that be worth?

I’m guessing a lot.

But you won’t pay a lot for this program.

Complete access to the entire presentation is ONLY $24.

For less than the cost of a week of Frappuccinos, you can have unlimited access to techniques that’ll grow your business by leaps and bounds. 

Why Don’t I Charge More 
If It's So Damned Valuable?
Why Don’t I Charge More If It's So Damned Valuable?
You see, here at Marketing Funnel Automation our “business” is teaching direct response marketing strategies and tactics. 

But our mission is to CHANGE ENTREPRENEURS’ LIVES. By giving you the tools to reach a wider audience. Get your message heard. And start growing your businesses by multiples.

And that’s what I truly want for YOU!

Normally I wouldn’t offer an individual video for such a giveaway price. Ordinarily I’d package the whole conference video series for a much higher price point. 

But this was simply too amazing. The content was so valuable and the presentation was so unique, I couldn’t resist.

Watching it will be the fastest, easiest and most enjoyable way for you to understand and implement these action-producing secrets in your own marketing. 

Of course when you do become more successful, I hope you’ll keep looking to us for assistance on your entrepreneurial journey.

But even if you use this video to start growing your sales, and never do business with us again, I still want you to check it out.

And I’ve even made this opportunity absolutely risk free for you...
Your No-Questions Asked, 
One-Sentence Guarantee
Like all my other products and services, you’re won’t risk a penny to check this out. Because I’m backing it by my simplest, most iron-clad guarantee.

*You love it or you do NOT pay a thing. Period.

Unlock your access and watch the whole video. (As many times as you want.) Read the transcript. Go through the slides.

If you don’t get the incredible value packed into this presentation… 

If you don’t see how adding these persuasion codes to your copy will make a massive difference in your marketing results… 

Just let my customer service team know and we’ll happily refund your money.

No questions asked. 

It’s that simple. 

So with nothing to lose and an arsenal of click producing persuasion secrets to gain, what are you waiting for?

Click the button below to unlock your access now.

One Final Word to the Doubters…
OK. There are probably still some readers thinking that all this is a load of hooey. 

That everything I’ve shared with you can’t possibly generate more buzz, make more sales and grow your business. 

There’s always doubters. They’ll find something wrong with the cure for cancer.

But since you’ve read this far, I’m guessing you’re not one of them. 

I’m guessing you’re a serious marketer who understands that even the smallest tweak in the right spot can have a massive impact in your results. 

That just one golden persuasion nugget—placed strategically in your copy—can change everything for all your marketing. 

It happens all the time…

In 1921 marketing legend Max Sackheim added one small persuasion trigger to the headline of his ad for Sherwin Cody’s School of English. It transformed a so-so ad into a massive success that ran for nearly 40 years!

And it may be only one small persuasion trigger from this presentation standing between you and the same kind of epic results! 

These persuasion codes will transform your marketing... 

So you command your prospect’s attention, trigger their deepest most powerful buying desires, and turn them into lifelong buyers and fans.

But you have to take the first step to get them.

So the choice is yours. 

You can go back to your way of doing things, and let the chips fall where they keep falling. 

Or you can join the MFA tribe, unlock your access to Donald Trump’s Persuasion Codebook and start crushing the competition and skyrocketing your sales right now.

Click the button below to unlock your access and start cranking up the power of your marketing today.
Todd :-)

P.S. Remember, there’s absolutely no risk when you check out Donald Trump’s Persuasion Codebook. 

Go through the whole presentation. Test it in your own marketing. You either see the value these persuasion codes will inject into your marketing, or send one email and we’ll give you a 100% refund.

P.P.S. Don’t wait on this! Every day you’re not putting these persuasion codes to work for you is another day your business is falling behind. Another day of struggling to drive traffic. Another day with an unresponsive list. Another day scraping by with too few sales. 

Get started now, so you can start putting these powerful persuasion codes to work for you.

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